
The main objectives of AIMC are as follows:

  1. To serve as the center of companies licensed to operate investment management business
  2. To foster the development of and provide protection for investment management business.
  3. To promote and improve professional standards of investment management business in the interests of the members and the general public.
  4. To promote saving culture among the public to enhance financial stability of the country as a whole.
  5. To cooperate with government agencies and/or organizations and/or agencies relevant to or in charge of controlling and/or monitoring investment management business on regulatory initiatives for not only investment management business but also all other types of securities businesses.
  6. To cooperate with the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), futures markets, or trading centers of securities or any other assets, listed companies, authorized companies, any agencies or institutions for the development of not only investment management business but also all other types of securities businesses.
  7. To facilitate cooperation among the member companies in solving problems associated with investment management business, and compromise of dispute related to investment management business among its members or between its members and the third parties.
  8. To set out rules, regulations or code of ethics for the member companies to comply, and to ensure their compliance with the rules, regulations or code of ethics for smooth operations of investment management companies.
  9. To provide support for research and study, and dissemination of academic information and news, and publicize information about securities business with particular focus on investment management for the benefits of the members and the general public.
  10. To encourage unity, cooperation and development among the member companies.
  11. To provide social services and contribution as well as other necessary and appropriate activities that will ensure the achievement of AIMC objectives.